25 lb. Webcrete 95 Fast-Setting, High Strength, Floor Patch


Product overview

Bostik Webcrete 95 is a fast-setting, polymer-modified, Portland cement patch for interior use on floors and walls. This product may be used to skim-coat or featheredge finish up to 1/2" deep in one application. Floor covering can be installed after just one hour from application.

Bostik Webcrete 95 is used to patch and smooth floors prior to the installation of engineered hardwood, solid wood, laminate, ceramic tile, carpet, and resilient flooring. When mixed with Bostik 425™ Multi-purpose Acrylic Latex Admixture instead of water, not only is the performance and flexibility improved, but Bostik Webcrete 95 can also be used as an embossing leveler.